So, God works in funny ways.
There have been times in my life where I have physically felt surrounded by His presence, been cradled in His arms, and had an undeniable impression of His voice.
But most times, circumstances dictate His desire for my surrender.
When I graduated from college, I really felt like I had been dropped in the middle of the desert, with enough supplies to get me to the horizion, where there was help and saftey. I just had to pick a direction and go. And I did, and it was amazing the blessing that followed.
As Pastor Jason said, "God is not a bus. You have to move."
So now I'm involved in my church working on the light board for one or two Sunday's a month. I've been approached by several people who work in the Children's Ministry in the past, and I've always declined. I even tried to get the Wedding Coordinator position off the ground, but nothing's happened so far. (More married couples having babies than single people getting married right now.)
Pastor Jason asked a few weeks ago if there was an area we've resisted serving, and I thought about the Children's Ministry. Over the weekend, I've been asked again to work in the Children's Ministry by two different people. Ha-ha, God...
The real question is, "Do I trust Him enough to give me the grace to serve?"
When I was in Maui with YWAM, a prophecy was spoken over me about my life path being a circle - I will keep returning to the same place, but I'll be different. After that summer where all my friends got married and I wasn't even dating, I became the Wedding Coordinator at the church. Now, I'm having a summer where everyone is having a baby and I'm contemplating working in the Nursery.
The question now is, do I put my toe in the water, take my time or just throw caution to the wind and cannonball?